May 7, 2019

Frontline missile destroyer of the Indian Navy, INS Ranjit was decommissioned at a grand ceremony at Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam.


  • INS Ranjit, the third of the five Rajput-class destroyers built by the erstwhile USSR, was commissioned in 1983. 

  • The ship has rendered yeoman service to the nation for 36 years. Since being commissioned, INS Ranjit has sailed for 2,190 days, covering over 7,43,000 nautical miles, equivalent to navigating around the world 35 times and 3.5 times the distance from the earth to the moon. 

  • The ship was at the forefront of major naval operations and served on both the Eastern and Western seaboards. 

  • Apart from naval operations like 'Op Talwar' and various multinational exercises, the ship participated in relief operations post Tsunami in 2004 and Hud-hud on 2014. 

  • In recognition of the service rendered by INS Ranjit to the nation, the ship was awarded Unit Citations by the Chief of Naval Staff in 2003-04 and in 2009-10.