Dec. 8, 2019

Six new European countries – Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden – joined to the INSTEX barter mechanism.


  • Type: INSTEX is a European special-purpose vehicle (SPV)

  • Objective: To circumvent U.S. sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding use of the dollar.

  • Headquarters: Paris, France

  • Established in: January 2019.

  • Owner: France, Germany and United Kingdom are the founding members of INSTEX.

  • Who can join it? It’s purpose is to facilitate "legitimate trade" with Iran for any EU member and has been conceived to be open to non-EU countries.

  • Functioning:
    • INSTEX functions as a clearing house allowing Iran to continue to sell oil and import other products or services in exchange. The system has not yet enabled any transactions.

    • In Iran, INSTEX is mirrored by the STFI (Special Trade and Finance Instrument), a similar SPV. STFI matches incoming and outgoing transactions in the same way.

    • As of now, the use of the SPV is limited to humanitarian purposes, such as the purchase of otherwise embargoed foods or medicines. 

Source : The Hindu