Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) project

April 15, 2023

Recently, to ensure the timely disposal of criminal cases, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) e-prosecution portal (which is a part of the Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System) has added a new feature that will also fix the accountability of government lawyers.

About Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) project:

  • What it is? It is a national platform for enabling integration of the main IT system used for the delivery of Criminal Justice in the country by five pillars namely.
  • Objective: It seeks to enable the seamless transfer of data and information among different pillars of the criminal justice system, like courts, police, jails and forensic science laboratories, from one platform.
  • This system would be made available through a dedicated and secure cloud-based infrastructure with high-speed connectivity.
  • Implementation: National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) will be responsible for the implementation of the project in association with the National Informatics Center (NIC). 
  • The project will be implemented in collaboration with the States and Union Territories.

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