About International Air Transport Association (IATA):
- IATA is an international trade body founded in 1945 by a group of airlines.
- Currently, IATA represents some 300 airlines comprising 94% of the international scheduled air traffic.
- IATA members include the world’s leading passenger and cargo airlines.
- Headquarters: Montreal, Canada
- Mission: To represent, lead and serve the airline industry.
- IATA supports many areas of aviation activity and helps formulate industry policy on critical aviation issues, including environmental concerns.
What is International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)?
- ICAO is an intergovernmental specialized agency associated with the United Nations (UN).
- It was established in 1947 bythe Convention on International Civil Aviation (1944) known as Chicago Convention.
- Headquarters: Montreal, Canada
- Functions:
- ICAO is dedicated to developing safe and efficient international air transportfor peaceful purposes and ensuring a reasonable opportunity for every state to operate international airlines.
- It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security and facilitation, efficiency, and economic development of air transport as well as to improve the environmental performance of aviation.
- It also serves as a clearinghouse for cooperation and discussion on civil aviation issues among its 193 member states.
- It also promotes regional and international agreementsaimed at liberalizing aviation markets.
- It helps to establish legal standards to ensure that the growth of aviation does not compromise safety and encourages the development of other aspects of international aviation law.