April 16, 2020

The English mathematician John Horton Conway, 82, died of COVID-19. He will be best remembered for the “Game of Life”, which he invented around 1970.

Game of Life:

  • Game of Life is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input.

  • Take an array of square cells, like a chessboard, but stretching infinitely in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

  • A cell may be either living or dead at any given time (but not both simultaneously).

  • This status may or may not change in the next “generation”: A living cell can either stay alive or die; a dead cell can either stay dead or spring to life. The fate of a cell depends on its “neighbours” — the eight other cells that touch it horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

  • The Game of Life opened up a new field of mathematical research, in “cellular automata”.

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