Nov. 11, 2018

Over the centuries, the Shia community of Kashmir, has been perfecting the art papier mache art.


  • Papier Mache or Paper Mache is derived from French meaning 'chewed Paper'.

  • Papier Mache is a composite material consisting of paper pulp reinforced with some adhesive which hardens upon drying and then is painted upon. The products created are generally in the form of vases, bowls boxes, trays and many other small objects.

  • Procedure: Making a Paper Mache product involves two procedures


(Making the base product from the pulp of paper into the desired form)

·         The process begins with soaking waste paper in water for days till it disintegrates and then mixing it with cloth, paddy straw and copper sulphate to form pulp.

·         The pulp is put into moulds and given shape and form. It is polished smooth with stone or baked clay and pasted with layers of tissue paper.


(The painting process done over it)

·         After applying a base colour, the artisan draws a design. The object is then sandpapered or burnished and is finally painted with several coats of lacquer.

  • Government initiatives for promoting it:
    • The craft is protected under the Geographic Indication Act 1999.

    • In 2016, government introduced the craft in the Nawakadal girls’ college in Srinagar.

  • According to Historians, the Shia community of Kashmir is keeping alive the papier mache art in the Valley since the 14th Mughal kings, were fond of this art and were its patrons.

Source : The Hindu