Recently, the Prime Minister of India said he was looking forward to strong ties with Brunei, especially in boosting commercial and cultural linkages, as he visited Bandar Seri Begawan.
About Brunei:
Location: It is located along the northern coast of Borneo Island in Southeast Asia.
It is situated both in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth.
Brunei is bordered by the South China Sea in the north and on all other sides by Malaysia. Brunei is divided into two non-contiguous parts by a portion of the Malaysian State of Sarawak. It shares its maritime borders with China and Malaysia.
Capital: Bander Seri Begawan – the capital and largest city of Brunei.
Mountain:Bukit Pagonis the highest point in the country at 6,069 ft along the border with Malaysia in the eastern mountainous region.
Rivers: Numerous rivers drain the land, including the Belait, Pandaruan and Tutong.
It is also a major oil producer in Southeast Asia.
Population: Brunei citizens comprise about 76% of the population, with the remaining being permanent or temporary residents. More than 80% of the population is ethnically Malay or Chinese.
Currently, approximately 14,000 Indians are residing in Brunei. The contribution of Indian doctors and teachers to the growth and development of Brunei’s healthcare and education sectors has been well acknowledged.
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