Key Facts about Ghataprabha River

June 11, 2024

Nine people were rescued by locals after a tractor overturned and fell into the Ghataprabha River recently.

About Ghataprabha River:

  • It is a tributary of the Krishna River and flows in the state of Karnataka.
  • Course: The river originates in the Western Ghats at an elevation of 884 meters and flows in the direction of east for a distance of 283 kilometers before it merges with the Krishna River.
  • The river debouches by 53 metres at Gokak Falls in Belgaum (Belagaavi) District, Karnataka.
  • The river basin is 8,829 square kilometers wide and stretches across Karnataka and Maharashtra.
  • The Hiranyakeshi River and the Markandeya River are tributaries of the Ghataprabha.

Key Facts about Krishna River:

  • It is a river in south-central India.
  • Origin: It rises in western Maharashtra in the Western Ghatsrange near the town of Mahabaleshwar.
  • In terms of water inflows and river basin, Krishna is the fourth biggest river after Ganga, Godavari, and Brahmaputra. 
  • Total Length: 1300 km 
  • Course: It passes through Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and meets the Bay of Bengal at Hamsaladeevi in Andhra Pradesh, on the east coast.
  • The Krishna River Basin extends over an area of about 258,948 sq. km, which is nearly 8 percent of the total geographical area of the country. 
  • Tributaries:
    • The most important tributary is the Tungabhadra River. It has been formed by the Tunga River and the Bhadra River, which originate in the Western Ghats.
    • Other tributaries include the Koyna River, Bhima River, Kundali River, Malaprabha River,Ghataprabha River, Yerla River, Warana River, Dindi River, Musi River, and Dudhganga River.