The Bengal irrigation department recently decided to supply water to farmlands through pipelines from the Teesta River and its canals, instead of acquiring more land to dig new canals, sub-canals, and drains.
About Teesta River:
It is aHimalayan Riverflowingthrough Sikkim and West Bengal in India and Rangpur in Bangladesh.
It is a tributary of Brahmaputra
This river forms a boundary between Sikkim and West Bengal.
It rises in the Himalayasnear Chunthang in Sikkim, flows to the south, cutting a deep gorge through the Siwalik Hills east of Darjiling in West Bengal, and turns southeast to run through the Sivok Khola pass onto the plains of West Bengal.
Originally, the river continued southward to empty directly into the upper Padma River (Ganges River).
About 1787, however, the river changed its course to flow eastward, crossing the Rangpur region of Bangladesh tojoin the Jamuna River near Chilmari after a total course of about 200 miles (320 km).
The flow of the Tista is greatest during the summer (June to September), when the monsoon rains are heaviestand glacierssupply abundant meltwater.
Its lower reaches are marked by flooding and frequent, violent course changes; navigation is impaired by shoals and quicksand near the junction with the Jamuna.
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