Konda Reddi Tribe

March 31, 2024

The indigenous knowledge of the Konda Reddi tribe, a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group inhabiting the Papikonda hill range in the Godavari region, has proven resourceful.

About Konda Reddi Tribe:

  • Konda Reddis is a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group inhabiting the banks of the river Godavari and also in the hilly forest tracts of Godavari and Khammam districts of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Their mother tongue is Telugu, with a unique accent.
  • Subdivisions:
    • The Konda Reddy tribe is divided into exogamous septs for regulating matrimonial relations.
    • Like other Telugu-speaking people, their surnames are prefixed to individual names.
    • Generally, each sept is exogamous, but certain septs are considered as brother septs and marriage alliances with brother septs (agnate relations) are prohibited.
  • Family and Marriage:
    • The family is patriarchal and patrilocal. Monogamy is a rule, but polygamous families are also found.
    • Marriage by negotiations, by love and elopement, by service, by capture and by exchange are socially accepted ways of acquiring mates. 
  • Religion: The primary religion practiced by the Konda Reddi is Folk Hinduism, characterized by local traditions and cults of local deities worshiped at the community level.
  • Political Organization:
    • They have their own institution of social control called ‘Kula Panchayat’.
    • Each village has a traditional headman called ‘Pedda Kapu’.
    • The office of the headman is hereditary, and the headman is also the Pujari (priest) of the village deities.
  • Livelihood:
    • They are primarily shifting cultivators and largely depend on flora and fauna of forest for their livelihood.
    • They collect and sell non timber forest produce like tamarind, adda leaves, myrobolan, broom sticks, etc., to supplement their meagre income. 
    • They cultivate largely jowar, which is their staple food.

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