Large Phased Array Radar (LPAR)

March 11, 2025

China recently deployed a powerful Large Phased Array Radar (LPAR) in Yunnan province, near the China-Myanmar border.

About Large Phased Array Radar (LPAR):

  • It has been established by China in Yunnan province, near the China-Myanmar border.
  • It boasts a surveillance range exceeding 5,000 kilometers, allowing China to monitor extensive areas of the Indian Ocean and deep into Indian Territory.
  • It possesses the capability to detect and track ballistic missile launches in real time.
  • Unlike traditional radars, which rely on mechanical rotation, LPARs use electronically controlled antennas to scan vast areas almost instantly.
    • This allows them to track multiple targets, including ballistic missiles, with high precision.
    • Such radars play a critical role in early warning systems and air defence networks.

● How does China's LPAR compare to the world?

  • Besides China, only the US and Russia have the LPAR
  • The capabilities of China's LPAR are being compared to the US PAVE PAWS (Precision Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased Array Warning System), a Cold War-era radar designed to detect long-range missile launches.
  • The American system has a detection range of approximately 5,600 km and can track multiple projectiles, including submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

● Concerns for India:

  • The Yunnan-based LPAR can monitor deep into Indian territory and track missile tests conducted from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Island off India's eastern coast.
  • This site is crucial for testing strategic weapons like the Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile and the K-4 submarine-launched missile.
  • By capturing vital data on missile trajectories, speeds, and distances, China gains a strategic advantage, enabling it to analyse and develop countermeasures.

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