Feb. 2, 2020

A National Logistics Policy will be released soon to clarify the roles of the Union Government, State Governments and key regulators. The policy will create a single window e-logistics market and focus on generation of employment, skills and make MSMEs competitive.


  • India’s logistics sector is highly defragmented and the aim is to reduce the logistics cost from the present 14% of GDP to less than 10% by 2022.

  • India’s logistics sector is very complex with more than 20 government agencies, 40 PGAs, 37 export promotion councils, 500 certifications, 10000 commodities, 160 billion market size.

  • The Indian logistics sector provides livelihood to more than 22 million people and improving the sector will facilitate 10 % decrease in indirect logistics cost leading to the growth of 5 to 8% in exports.