Madeira River

Sept. 8, 2024

Residents near the Madeira River in the Amazon are facing unprecedented challenges as water levels drop to historic lows amid a severe drought.

About Madeira River:

  • It is a major tributary of the Amazon River.
  • It is formed by the junction of the Mamoré and Beni rivers at Villa Bella, Bolivia, and flows northward.
  • It forms the border between Bolivia and Brazilfor approximately 60 miles (100 km).
  • The Madeira River is part of the larger Madeira Basin, which encompasses approximately 1,300,000 square kilometers (502,000 square miles) and covers about 19% of the entire Amazon Basin.
  • The basin extends across Bolivia, Brazil and Peru, with roughly 50% of its area in Bolivia, 40% in Brazil, and 10% in Peru. 
  • Significance of the river
    • The Madeira River is a significant waterway in South America, playing a crucial role in the hydrology of the Amazon Basin.
    • As the largest tributary of the Amazon River, it is a vital component of the region's ecosystem, spanning Bolivia and Brazil and supporting diverse flora and fauna.