Mahakaleshwar Temple

Sept. 30, 2024

Two people were killed when a boundary wall near the Mahakal Temple in Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh collapsed recently due to heavy rainfall.

About Mahakaleshwar Temple:

  • It is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.
  • Location: It is located in the ancient city of Ujjain in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
  • The temple is situated on the banks of the holy river, Shipra, tributary of Chambal river.
  • It is one of the twelve Jyotirlingasof Lord Shiva. 
  • The real establishment date/period of the temple cannot be ascertained, but the earliest references to the Mahakal are from the 6th century BC. The temple, in its present form, was reconstructed in the 18th century AD.
  • It is also known as one of the seven 'Mukti Sthal' or sacred places of liberation in India.
  • Architecture:
    • It is a five-storied The main shrine is located underground.
    • The temple complex comes with a spacious courtyard that is adorned with finest sculptures that are believed to be influenced by Chalukya, Maratha, and Bhumija styles of structural design. 
    • The foundation and platform are built of stones. Most of the upper structure rests on the strong and well-designed pillars and plasters.
    • It is complete with impressive lingam sculptures of Mahakaleshwar.
    • The images of Ganesh, Parvati, and Karttikeya are installed in the west, north, and east of the sanctum sanctorum. 
    • The temple also houses a tank constructed in the sarvatobhadra style.