Oct. 21, 2018

The defacement of ancient and legendary Hindu lawgiver Manu’s statue, installed in the Jaipur Bench of Rajasthan High Court, has shifted focus on a long-drawn-out controversy.

Manu and Manusmriti:

  • Manusmriti, also known as Manava-Dharmasastra, records the words of Brahma

  • The text presents itself as a discourse given by Manu to a group of rishis, who ask him to tell them the "law of all the social classes".

  • Manu: In Hinduism he is regarded as the –
    • Progenitor of mankind (i.e. the First Man)

    • First king to rule this earth, who saved mankind from the universal flood.

    • He was initially known as "Satyavrata" (because of his honesty)

Statue controversy:

  • The issue of shifting the Manu statue from the High Court premises has been pending ever since its installation in 1989.

  • According to a section of activists, the Manusmriti, supposedly authored by Manu, had laid down “regressive laws” for women and the people of so-called lower castes.

Source : The Hindu