Aug. 9, 2018

Jharkhand has opposed the unilateral action of West Bengal government of painting the walls of Massanjore dam in blue and white, the colours of West Bengal.

Massanjore Dam:

  • Massanjore dam is built across the Mayurakshi River.

  • Built with Canada government’s aid, it is also called Canada Dam.

  • It is located in the Dumka district of Jharkhand. However, the West Bengal State Government has been maintaining the dam since 1955.

Mayurakshi River:

  • Mayurakshi River (or Mor River) is a major river in the states of Jharkhand and West Bengal.

  • Course: it starts from Trikut hill in Jharkhand and finally joins Hooghly River in West Bengal.

  • To control devastating floods in the river, Massanjore Dam was constructed on it.

Source : The Hindu

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