Dec. 29, 2018

The Government increased the export incentives granted for Onions under the MEIS from existing 5% to 10%. This will result in better price to farmers for Onion in domestic markets. (due to increased supply of Onions in the market, the prices in the Mandis are subdued.


  • Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)is one of the two schemes introduced under Foreign Trade Policy of India (FTP 2015-20), as a part of Exports from India Scheme. The other scheme is Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS).

  • MEIS replaced the following five other similar incentive schemes present in the earlier Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14:
    • Focus Product Scheme (FPS)

    • Focus Market Scheme (FMS)

    • Market Linked Focus Product Scheme (MLFPS)

    • Infrastructure incentive scheme

    • Vishesh Krishi Gramin Upaj Yojna (VKGUY)

  • Objective of the MEIS: To offset infrastructural inefficiencies and the associated costs of exporting products produced in India.

  • Salient Features:
    • The scheme provides incentive in the form of duty credit scrip to the exporter to compensate for his loss on payment of duties.

    • To determine the quantity of incentive, the countries have been segregated into three groups.
      • Group A has India’s traditional destinations such as the EU countries and USA.

      • Group B covers almost all of India’s major export destinations globally. Group B has the highest quantum of incentive.

      • Group C on the other hand has no incentive at all. It can be divided into, SAARC, Australia and New Zealand, some EU and African countries.

Source : The Hindu

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