Oct. 30, 2021

Facebook is now called ‘Meta’, a change, the company announced at its Connect 2021 conference.


  • ‘Meta’ in Greek means ‘after’ or ‘beyond’. The overall Facebook company will now simply be called Meta. However, the Facebook app will retain its name and there’s no change for other apps.

  • But Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger are now all under the company ‘Meta’— like Google has all its products under the umbrella company Alphabet.

  • Meta has a new logo as well, which is sort of like the symbol for infinity.

  • What exactly will it mean to live in the metaverse? The way Zuckerberg is envisioning the ‘metaverse’, it will go beyond the internet as we know it, with interoperability, avataars, natural interfaces, teleporting, Home Space, presence, digital goods being some of the key features of this metaverse.

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