Nov. 13, 2019

The Union Water Resources Ministry has finalised a committee to draft a new National Water Policy (NWP).


  • The committee has 10 principal members. It will be chaired by Mihir Shah, who is a former Planning Commission member and a water expert.

  • The committee is expected to produce a report within six months.

National Water Policy (NWP), 2012?

  • The NWP currently in force was drafted in 2012.

  • It introduced the concept of an Integrated Water Resources Management approach that took the “river basin/ sub-basin” as a unit for planning, development and management of water resources.

  • It also proposed that a portion of river flows ought to be kept aside to meet ecological needs.

  • That policy also stressed for a minimum quantity of potable water for essential health and hygiene to all its citizens to be made available within easy reach of households.

Source : The Hindu