Millimeter Wave

Nov. 8, 2024

Recently, the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) and the Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee (IIT-Roorkee) have signed an agreement under the Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) scheme of the DoT with the development of a “millimeter wave transceiver for 5G rural connectivity”.

About Millimeter Wave:

  • It refers to electromagnetic waves with frequency between 30-300 GHz and wavelength between 10 mm and 1 mm.
  • Its frequency spectrum is used for wireless high-speed communications. It is also known as the extremely high frequency, or EHF, band by the International Telecommunication Union.
  • Advantages
    • It enables higher data rates compared with lower frequencies when used in telecommunications, such as those used for Wi-Fi and current cellular networks.
    • The higher frequency range has a high tolerance for bandwidth.
    • It offers less latency due to its higher speeds and bandwidth.
    • There is less interference, as mm waves don't propagate and interfere with other neighboring cellular systems.

Significance of recent agreement

  • It will also encourage small and medium-scale industries to set up their manufacturing units in India which will create job opportunities for our own engineering graduates, due to the use of polymer-based structure in conjunction with metals.
  • This will also reduce our over-dependence on semiconductor fabrication industries. The proposed cost for the development of technology is extremely small as against the opportunities it would create.
  • Additionally, the project also aims to contribute to generating Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and develop a skilled workforce to support the emerging millimetre wave/Sub-THz technology for 5G/6G.