In the aftermath of Vande Bharat Express, suffering a breakdown due to a snag, Union Railway Minister defended “Make in India” programme by stating that the modern Coach Factory (MCF) in Rae Bareli may manufacture bullet trains in the future, whereas earlier it could only do minor work on some coaches.
Modern Coach Factory, Raebareli is a rail coach manufacturing unit of the Indian Railways at Lalganj near Raebareli in Uttar Pradesh.
The factory is the third facility in India that produces railway compartments besides the Integral Coach Factory at Perambur in Tamil Nadu and the Rail Coach Factory at Kapurthala in Punjab.
Foundation Stone of Modern Coach Factory (MCF), Raebareli was laid in 2007. In July 2014, MCF was declared a Production Unit of Indian Railways.
It is also planned to manufacture Aluminium coaches at MCF, the first such manufacturing in India. MCF will become 1st Rail factory to meet Zero-Energy Mega Factory standards by 2020-21.
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