July 10, 2021

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has detected an unusually high concentration of methane, along with carbon dioxide and dihydrogen, in the moons of Saturn by flying through their plumes. The spacecraft has found that Titan has methane in its atmosphere and Enceladus has a liquid ocean with erupting plumes of gas and water.


  • Saturn has 82 moons with confirmed orbits that are not embedded in its rings.

  • Particularly notable among Saturn's moons are
    • Titan, the second-largest moon in the Solar System (after Jupiter's Ganymede), with a nitrogen-rich Earth-like atmosphere and a landscape featuring dry river networks and hydrocarbon lakes,

    • Enceladus, which emits jets of gas and dust from its south-polar region, and

    • Iapetus, with its contrasting black and white hemispheres.

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