June 27, 2019

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi replied to the motion of thanks on the President’s address, in Rajya Sabha. He thanked the members of the Upper House for participating and contributing towards the debate.


  • Under Article 87 of the constitution, President of India specially addresses both Houses of Parliament together at the beginning of the
    • first session of each year.

    • first Session after each general election when the reconstituted Lok Sabha meets for the first time.

  • The President’s speech essentially highlights the government’s policy priorities and plans for the upcoming year.

  • The discussion on the Address takes place a few days and is initiated by a Motion of Thanks moved by a member and seconded by another member. Members who have to move and second the Motion are from the ruling party.

  • The notice of such a Motion is received through the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.

  • The Chairman allots time for the discussion of the Address under article 87(2) in consultation with the Leader of the House.

  • Although article 86(1) does not contain any provision for allotment of time for discussion of the matters referred to therein, nonetheless a rule has been made enabling the Chairman to allot time for the discussion of such Address also.

  • Notices of amendments to the Motion of Thanks can be given only after the President has delivered the Address.

Source : PIB

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