Dec. 9, 2020

The Foreign Ministers of Nepal and China jointly certified the elevation of Mount Everest at 8,848.86 metres above sea level — 86 cm higher than what was recognised since 1954. In feet, the new elevation is about 29,031 ft, or about 3 ft higher than Nepal’s previous claim.

How and when was the earlier measurement of 8,848 m done?

  • This was determined by the Survey of India in 1954, using instruments like theodolites and chains, with GPS still decades away.

  • The elevation of 8,848 m came to be accepted in all references worldwide — except by China. Mount Everest rises from the border between Nepal and China.

Need for new measurement:

  • The devastating earthquake of April 2015 triggered a debate among scientists on whether it had affected the height of the mountain.

  • The Nepal’s government subsequently declared that it would measure the mountain on its own, instead of continuing to follow the Survey of India findings of 1954.

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