Oct. 28, 2021

The Supreme Court on October 25 directed the Supervisory Committee to take an immediate and firm decision on the maximum water level that can be maintained at Mullaperiyar dam, amid torrential rain in Kerala.


  • Kerala said the water level should not go above 139 feet, the same as what the court had ordered on August 24, 2018, when the State was hit by floods.

  • Tamil Nadu, on the other hand, informed the court that the level in the dam was 137.2 ft at 9 a.m. on October 25.

  • As regards Kerala’s contention not to raise the water level beyond 139 feet, kerala said the Supreme Court had, in judgments in 2006 and 2014, fixed the maximum water level at 142 feet.

  • The order came in a petition filed by Idukki resident, who had expressed their apprehensions about the supervision of water levels in the Mullaperiyar dam located along the Periyar tiger reserve, especially during the rainy season.

Source : The Hindu

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