May 6, 2019

The White House recently said that United States is working on a proposal to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organisation (FTO).


  • What is it? Muslim Brotherhood is a movement. 

  • History: it was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna. 

  • Objective: He preached that an Islamic religious revival would help Muslim nations improve their situation and defeat their colonial masters. He was not specific about the kind of Muslim revivalist government he was advocating. 

  • Global influence: 
    • His ideas led inspired a large number of Islamist political movements and parties alongwith powerful missionary and charitable initiatives all over the world.  

    • Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Morocco, Turkey and Tunisia are among the countries that have large parties that trace their origins to the Brotherhood. 

    • Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood has been designated as an Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO) by the US. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the fugitive leader of al-Qaeda, is a former member of the Egyptian Brotherhood. 

  • Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood: 
    • There is a broad consensus among historians that the Egyptian Brotherhood, as an organisation at least, has not undertaken violent action since 1960s, when it formally announced they were only “preachers”. 

    • In Egypt, the Brotherhood has been in Parliament since in the 1980s, and one of its leaders, Mohamed Morsi, became President in 2012, who was ousted the following year.