July 31, 2019

Parliament passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill 2019.


  • Objective: The Bill would help in protecting the rights of married Muslim women and prevent divorce by practice of ‘talaq-e-biddat’ by their husbands.

  • Salient features of the bill:
    • It declares the practice of triple talaq as void and illegal.

    • It makes this offence punishable with imprisonment up to three years and fine.

    • It provides for payment of subsistence allowance to married Muslim women and dependent children.

    • It proposes to make the offence cognizable, if information relating to the commission of an offence is given to a police officer by the married Muslim woman upon whom talaq is pronounced or by any person related to her by blood or marriage.

    • The offence is made compoundable with the permission of the Magistrate at the instance of the married Muslim woman upon whom talaq is pronounced.

    • It further provides for hearing the married Muslim woman upon whom talaq is pronounced, before the accused is released on bail by the Magistrate.

Source : PIB

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