Muthuvan tribe

Oct. 18, 2023

According to the Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Muthuvan tribe will be part of Nilgiri Tahr conservation project.

About the Muthuvan tribe:

  • These people live in the border hill forests of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
  • They speak slightly different dialects and call each other Malayalam Muthuvan and Pandi Muthuvan.
  • They are animists and spirit worshippers and also worship the forest gods.
  • They believe that the spirits of their ancestors were the first migrants to the hill forests.
  • They are known for coexisting with wildlife with their traditional knowledge.
  • These tribal people follow a unique system of governance called the 'Kani System'.
  • Under this system, each village is headed by a 'Kani', who is responsible for the administration of the village.
  • They are experts in traditional medicines, which are extremely effective, and the medicine is kept confidentially and passed down through generations.
  • Occupation: Agriculture is the main occupation of these Muthuvan tribes, producing quite a number of products like ragi, cardamom and lemon grass.

What is Project Tahr?

  • Under this project, the Tamil Nadu government plans to develop a better understanding of the Nilgiri Tahr population through surveys and radio telemetry studies
  • Reintroduce the Tahrs to their historical habitat
  • Address proximate threats.
  • Increase public awareness of the species
  • Time period: The project is to be implemented for 5 year period from 2022 to 2027.

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