National Achievement Survey (NAS) to be held on 12th November, 2021 across the country.
The Government of India has been implementing a rolling programme of sample based National Achievement Survey (NAS) aimed at classes III, V, VIII and X with a cycle period of three years.
The last National Achievement Survey (NAS) was held on 13th November, 2017 for assessing the competencies developed by the children at the grade levels III, V and VIII.
The next round of NAS will be held on 12th November 2021 across the country, which will help to assess the learning interruptions and new learnings during the COVID pandemic and help to take remedial measures.
The instrument development, testing, finalization of the test items, sampling of the schools etc. has been done by NCERT.
However, the actual administration of the test in the sampled schools will be done by CBSE in collaboration with the respective states/UTs. NAS 2021 will cover the entire spectrum of schools i.e. Government Schools (Central Government and State Government), Government Aided Schools and Private schools across the country.
It is expected that nearly 1.23 lakh schools and 38 lakh students in 733 districts across 36 States and UTs will be covered in the NAS 2021.
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