About National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI):
- It is a premier research institute created and funded by the Government of India dedicated to environmental science and engineering.
- The institute's primary mission is to conduct research and development activities related to various aspects of environmental management, pollution control, and sustainable development.
- NEERI falls under the Ministry of Science and Technology of the central government.
- It was established in Nagpur in 1958 with a focus on water supply, sewage disposal, and communicable diseases, and to some extent on industrial pollution and occupational diseases found common in post-independent India.
- Headquarters: Nagpur
- NEERI has five zonal laboratories at Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai.
- Organizational Expertise: Climate/Environment, Health, Lab or Field Testing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy Development, Research, Standards, Technology and Fuel R&D.
Key Facts about the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR):
- It is one of India's premier scientific and industrial research organisations.
- It was established as an autonomous body by the government of India in 1942 to promote scientific knowledge and boost industrialisation and economic growth.
- It is now one of the largest publicly funded R&D organisations in the world.
- Headquarters: New Delhi
- CSIR maintains a large network of national laboratories and field stations and employs thousands of scientists, researchers, and support staff.
- Prominent laboratories: Cellular and Molecular Biology (Hyderabad), the Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (Pilani), the Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (Dhanbad), the National Aerospace Laboratories (Bengaluru), the National Institute of Oceanography (Goa), and the National Botanical Research Institute (Lucknow).