National Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS)

April 29, 2023

Recently, the secretary of the Department of Science and Technology (Ministry of Science & Technology) released the “National Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS) 2021-22: Summary for Policymakers.

About National Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS):

  • It is a joint study by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • Aim of the survey: To evaluate the innovation performance of manufacturing firms in India.
  • It had two specific components:
    • Firm-level survey: It captured data related to types of innovations and innovative measures taken by firms, including the process of innovation, access to finance, resources, and information for innovation etc.
    • Sectorial System of Innovation (SSI) survey: It mapped the manufacturing innovation system and its enabling role in achieving innovations in firms.
    • The SSI study measured the convergence or divergence of current policy instruments in select five key manufacturing sectors important to the Indian economy – textiles; food & beverage; automotive; pharma; and ICT.
  • The first National Innovation Survey was held in 2011.

Key Facts about United Nations Industrial Development Organization

  • It is a specialized agency of the United Nationswith a unique mandate to promote dynamize and accelerate industrial development.  
  • It provides support to its 171 Member States through four mandated functions:
    • Technical cooperation
    • Action-oriented research and policy-advisory services.
    • Normative standards-related activities
    • Fostering partnerships for knowledge and technology transfer.
  • India is a member of this organisation.

National Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS) 2021-22 findings released, can help enhance competitiveness of Indian manufacturing

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