Oct. 21, 2018

Prime Minister Narendra Modi would inaugurate the National Police Memorial at Chanakyapuri in Delhi to recognize the sacrifice made by police personnel.


  • A 30-foot granite pillar, weighing around 238 tonnes, has been installed at Chanakyapuri in the heart of Lutyens’ Delhi to recognize the sacrifice made by nearly 35,000 police personnel killed in action since Independence.

  • A large number of police lives were lost in the fight against terrorism (in J&K, Punjab, North-East and Maoist-affected regions of the country) and prevention of organised crime.

  • The sculpture has been conceptualised by Advaita Gadanayak of the National Gallery of Modern Art. The stones to construct the pillar were sourced from Khammam in Telengana.

  • The memorial will also have a ‘Wall of Valour’, engraved with the names of police personnel, including those killed in the 1965 India-Pak war, the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks of 2008 and the 2001 Parliament attack.

  • The Prime Minister will also unveil the country’s first national police museum.

Source : The Hindu