
March 21, 2023

Google Doodle is celebrating the Iranian New Year Navroz, a festival that is celebrated by Parsis all across the globe.

About Navroz:

  • Navroz is an Iranian and Persian New year. The word ‘now’ means ‘new’ and roz means ‘day’. Therefore, the word translates to a new day.’ 
  • It marks the beginning of the spring seasonand is celebrated with great fervour by members of the Parsi community across the globe.
  • The festival of Nowruz is named after the Persian king, Jamshed, who is credited for creating the Persian or the Shahenshahi calendar. 
  • It is said that the festival came to India courtesy of an 18th-century wealthy tradesman from Surat, Nusservanji Kohyaji,who often travelled to Iran and began celebrating Nowruz in India.
  • It is listed in the list of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of India.
  • In India, the festival is observed around August 16-17 by the Parsi community following the Shahenshahi calendar which does not account for leap years,

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