Oct. 13, 2018

Maryse Conde has won The New Academy Prize in Literature – also known as alternative award – formed in protest to the Nobel Literature Prize.

New Academy prize:

  • The New Academy prize is a one-off award intended to fill the gap left by the cancellation of this year’s Nobel prize for literature, postponed this year over a rape scandal that came to light as part of the #MeToo movement.

  • It was presented by New Academy, which has been founded by more than 100 Swedish writers, artists and journalists. The New Academy will be dissolved in December 2018.

  • Unlike the secretive deliberations of the Nobel jury, the New Academy prize saw Swedish librarians nominate authors, who were winnowed down to a final four by a public vote, the winner decided by an expert jury.

Maryse Conde:

  • Maryse Conde is a French (Guadeloupean) author of historical fiction.

  • She is the author of some 20 novels, including Desirada, Segu and Crossing the Mangrove.

  • According to the new academy, she describes the ravages of colonialism and the post-colonial chaos in a precise and overwhelming language.

Source : The Hindu