Aug. 4, 2019

In a major boost to National Food Security, Government of India launched the One Nation-One Ration Card scheme on a pilot basis in four States namely Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat.


  • Features: Families who have food security cards can buy subsidized rice and wheat from any Fair Price Shop in these states. Their ration cards should be linked with Aadhar Number to avail this service.

  • Way ahead: The Centre is intended to extend the programme to all states by August next year so that the portability of the food security card implemented. There will also be creation of a Central Repository of all Ration Cards to help national level de-duplication.

  • Benefits:
    • The national portability of Ration cards will ensure all beneficiaries especially the migrants in getting access to Public Distribution System (PDS) across the nation from any PDS shop of their own choice.

    • This will provide freedom to the beneficiaries as they will not be tied to any one PDS shop and reduce their dependence on shop owners and curtail instances of corruption.