The Vice President of India, Venkaiah Naidu called for protecting the indigenous Ongole cattle breed while releasing a Compendium on it at the Swarna Bharat Trust in Vijayawada.
The breed derives its name from the place name, Ongole (Ongole occupy a small area between the Gundlakamma and Musi rivers in Andhra Pradesh).
Some also refer to this breed as Nelore cattle as this area was once part of the Nellore area.
Ongole cattle are indigenous to the Prakasam District in Andhra Pradesh in India.
The ongole bull is in great demand all over the world. The population of Ongole off-breed in Brazil is said to be around several millions. The famous Santa Gertrudis breed developed in Texas, USA have Ongole blood.
They are known for their toughness, rapid growth rate, and natural tolerance to both foot and mouth disease and mad cow disease.
They are used in bull fights in not only in Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu, but also Mexico and some parts of East Africa.
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