Oct. 21, 2018

India, along with rest of the world observed World Osteoporosis Day 2018 which calls for global action in order to improve bone health and prevent fractures caused by osteoporosis.


  • Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is a disease of progressive bone loss and skeletal deterioration in which bones become fragile and more likely to break, or fracture.

  • The disease often develops unnoticed over many years, with no symptoms or discomfort, until a fracture occurs.

  • Causes of osteoporosis: The exact medical causes of osteoporosis are not completely known. However, many of the major factors that can lead to the disease have been identified, and are listed below –
    • Everyone loses bone with age. After age 35, the body builds less new bone to replace losses of old bone. In general, the older you are, the lower your total bone mass and the greater your risk for osteoporosis.

    • A family history of fractures; a small, slender body build; fair skin; and a Caucasian or Asian background can increase the risk for osteoporosis. Heredity also may help explain why some people develop osteoporosis early in life.

    • Nutrition and lifestyle. Poor nutrition, including a low calcium diet, low body weight and a sedentary lifestyle have been linked to osteoporosis, as have smoking and excessive alcohol use.

    • Medications and other illnesses. Osteoporosis has been linked to some medications, including steroids, and to other illnesses, including some thyroid problems.

  • Prevention: Although there is no cure for osteoporosis, there are steps you can take to prevent it. Early diagnosis, regular exercise and healthy diet are what people should follow to avoid occurrence of the bone disease in later stages of life.

World Osteoporosis Day:

  • World Osteoporosis Day is observed annually on October 20th, and launches a year-long campaign dedicated to raising global awareness of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis.

  • It is organized by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), a non-governmental organization founded in 1998 and headquartered in Nyon, Switzerland.

Source : The Hindu