P-7 Heavy Drop Parachute System

Sept. 17, 2023

P-7 Heavy Drop Parachute System recently received a bulk order, a move slated to enhance the armed forces' paradropping capabilities.

About the P-7 Heavy Drop Parachute System:

  • It is a military parachute system primarily used for the airdrop of heavy equipment, vehicles, and supplies from aircraft.
  • It was indigenously designed and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • Features:
    • Weighing approximately 500 kg, the parachute guarantees the secure delivery of heavy cargo, even under challenging conditions.
    • It comprises a platform and a specialised parachute system, promising to enhance the operational capabilities of the armed forces.
    • It boasts eight main canopies, three extractor parachutes, one drogue parachute, and a suite of electrical, electronic, and mechanical systems
    • With a maximum load-bearing capacity of 8,500 kg and a permitted payload limit of 7,000 kg, the system operates at drop speeds ranging from 260 to 400 kph.
    • Landing Speed: 7 m/sec
    • Reusability: 5 times 
    • Its compact design allows seamless integration onto various aircraft, including the C-17, C-130, and other cargo aircraft of the IAF, providing versatility in deployment.