- Ministry of Panchayati Raj organises People’s Plan Campaign (PPC) every year (Sabki Yojana Sabka Vikas) from 2nd October to 31st December.
- This year also PPC–2022 was launched on 2ndOctober, 2022 to prepare District/ Block/ Gram Panchayat Development Plans for the year 2023–2024.
- The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has evolved thematic approach aggregating 17 Sustainable goals into 9 broad themes of Localised Sustainable Development Goals (LSDGs) at grassroots level.
- In this PPC 2022, Panchayats will prepare Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) on these 9 themes by adopting Whole-of- Government and Whole-of-Society approach.
- The Panchayat Development Plan aims to strengthen the role of elected representatives of Panchayats and SHG Women under DAY-NRLM in effective Gram Sabha.
- The Ministry’s Plan document terms GPDP as a catalyst for transforming rural India and describes it as a comprehensive participatory process which involves full convergence with schemes of all related Central Ministries, line departments related to 29 subjects listed in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM):
- DAY-NRLM aims at mobilizing rural poor households into Self Help Groups (SHGs) in a phased manner and provide them long-term support to diversify their livelihoods, improve their incomes and quality of life.
- Most of Mission’s interventions are being implemented and scaled up by the SHG women themselves who are trained as community resource persons (CRPs) – Krishi Sakhis, Pashu Sakhis, Bank Sakhis, Bima Sakhis, Banking Correspondent Sakhis etc.
- The Mission is also working on empowering the SHG women through awareness generation and behaviour change communication on issues like domestic violence, women’s education and other gender related concerns, nutrition, sanitation, health etc.