June 9, 2021
The Education Ministry released the latest edition of the Performance Grading Index or PGI. The Education Ministry released the first PGI in 2019 for the reference year 2017-18.
States are scored on a total of 1,000 points across 70 parameters, which are grouped under five broad categories: access; governance and management; infrastructure; equity and learning outcomes.
States are graded under it. The PGI grading system has 10 levels.
Level 1 indicates top-notch performance and a score between 951 and 1,000 points.
Level II, also known as Grade 1++, indicates a score between 901 and 950.
Those with Grade 1+ (or Level III) have scored between 851 and 900.
The lowest is Grade VII, and it means a score between 0 and 550 points.
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