Dec. 4, 2018

The three-Armed services of India have agreed on the appointment of a Permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (PCCoSC).

Chiefs of Staff Committee (CoSC):

  • Its mandate is to advise the Defence Minister and normally through him the Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs on all military matters which require ministerial consideration.

  • CoSC is composed of: (a) Chief of the Army Staff (COAS); (b) Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS); (c) Chief of the Air Staff (CAS); and (d) Chief of Integrated Defence Staff (CIDS) (non-voting member). Scientific Adviser to the Minister of Defence is invited to attend whenever needed.

  • Presently, the senior most member of the COSC is appointed its chairperson.

Permanent Chairman of The Chiefs of Staff Committee (PCCoSC):

  • The PCCoSC is envisaged as a single-point military adviser to the government.

  • The three services have finally agreed to a PCCoSC, including what his roles and responsibilities will be. This is a key step towards improving ‘Jointmanship’.

  • Creation of the post of Permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (CoSC) is being done as per the recommendations of the Naresh Chandra Task Force.

  • Way ahead: This proposal has been forwarded to the Defence Ministry and it is being examined there.

Source : The Hindu