Sept. 6, 2018

Acc. to new data published in The Lancet Global Health, 34% Indians — 24.7% male and 43.9% females — are not Physically active enough to stay healthy.


  • The paper, authored by four World Health Organization (WHO) experts, reports data that update 2008 estimates on levels of activity and, for the first time, reports trend analyses.

  • Key findings:
    • More than one in four adults globally are physically inactive. Thus, the global level of inactivity in adults remains largely unchanged since 2001.

    • Women were less active than men, with an over 8% difference at the global level (32% men vs 23%, women).

  • High income countries are more inactive (37%) compared with middle income (26%) and low-income countries (16%).
    • 34% Indians — 24.7% male and 43.9% females — are not active enough to stay healthy.

  • Comment:

  • Regular physical inactivity increases people’s risk of poor health, including cardiovascular disease, several types of cancer and diabetes as well as mental health conditions.

  • If current trends continue, the 2025 global activity target of a 10% relative reduction in insufficient physical activity will not be met.

  • These data show the need for all countries to provide the environments that support physical activity

Source : The Hindu