According to the Union Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment about 5 lakh people got benefits under PM Daksh Program.
PM-DAKSH (Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi) Yojana was launched by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MoSJ&E) in 2020-21.
It is a National Action Plan for skilling marginalized persons covering SCs, OBCs, EBCs, DNTs, Sanitation workers including waste pickers.
The main objective of the PM-DAKSH Yojana is to increase the skill levels of the target youth by providing them short term and long term skills, followed by assistance in wage/self-employment.
Target Group:
It aims to improve all-round competency of 2.7 lakh persons, over the next 5 years, beginning with nearly 0.5 lakh youth in the first year i.e. 2021-22, from the following sections of the target group:
Artisans- who may be able to improve their revenue generation capacities within their practicing vocations;
Women- who may be able to enter into self-employment and financially empower themselves without neglecting their domestic activities; and
Youth- who may acquire long-term training and specialization in employable vocations and gain a better standing in the job market.
Candidates of age group 18-45 yearsbelonging to any of the following categories can apply for the training programme under PM-DAKSH:
Persons belonging to Scheduled Castes.
Other Backward Classes (OBCs) having annual family income below Rs. 3 lakh.
Economically Backward Classes (EBCs) having annual family income below Rs. 1 lakh.
De-Notified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribe (DNT).
Safai Karamcharis (including waste pickers) and their dependants.
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