Sept. 13, 2019

To attract more international students, the UK government led by Boris Johnson has announced a new two-year post-study work visa route from next year.

Existing scenario:

  • The UK had the post-study work visa scheme till 2012 when the then home secretary Theresa May scrapped it.

  • Currently, most international students pursuing bachelor's and master's degrees can stay and work for only four months and those at 27 universities on a pilot scheme get six months.

UK's new post-study work visa route:

  • Under the new graduate visa route, students from anywhere including India would be able to work or even look for work at any skill level.

  • The visa will be two years long and will be a separate visa, requiring a new application.

  • This route is non-extendable and does not count towards settlement. However, graduates who find an appropriate job and meet the requirements will be able to switch into skilled work, which is a route to settlement.

  • The new visa is open to international students who hold valid student visas and have successfully completed a course at undergraduate level or above at a British institution of higher education which has a track record of compliance with the U.K. Home Office’s immigration rules. 

Source : Livemint