Nov. 24, 2018

Public broadcaster Prasar Bharati has decided to overhaul its workforce, a long-pending exercise that was recommended by the Sam Pitroda Committee in 2014. The last time the Prasar Bharati hired was in 1996.


  • Prasar Bharati is the Public Service Broadcaster of the country.

  • Status: Prasar Bharati is a statutory autonomous body established under the Prasar Bharati Act.

  • Objective: To conduct public broadcasting services intended to inform and entertain the public.

  • Components: It comprises the Doordarshan Television Network and All India Radio, which were earlier media units of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

  • Established in:

  • HQ: New Delhi.

  • Prasar Bharati Board:
    • The Prasar Bharati Act vests the general superintendence, direction, and management of affairs of the Corporation in the Prasar Bharati Board.

    • The President of India appoints the Chairman and the other Members, except the ex officio members, nominated member and the elected members.

    • Board meetings must be held at least once in every three months each year.

Recent decision: Manpower Audit

  • Prasar Bharati has hired Ernst and Young to conduct a manpower audit to overhaul its workforce. The exercise is expected to be completed in eight months’ time.

  • It essentially involves identifying redundant roles and make the organisation IT-enabled.

  • The Sam Pitroda Committee which submitted its report in 2014, recommended the manpower audit of Prasar Bharati.
    • According to it, Prasar Bharati reportedly had 33,800 employees and the sanctioned strength was 48,022 — the highest in the world for a public broadcaster.

    • While the BBC had staff strength of 16,858, public broadcasters of Japan and China employed 10,000 each.

Source : The Hindu