Sept. 15, 2018

Union Coal Ministry has decided to implement minor recommendations made by Pratyush Sinha committee such as the establishment of single-window clearance mechanism and permitting non-regulated industries to use coal in their different plants.


  • The current system of coal block allocation via e-auctions was put in place after the cancellation of 204 coal-block allocations in 2015

  • However, the e-auctions failed to sustain interest as companies which bought the blocks found it cheaper to import coal to meet their requirements rather than developing the mines.

  • There were no takers for subsequent blocks, forcing the Centre to do a rethink.

  • In July 2018, a High-Powered Expert Committee (HPEC) chaired by Pratyush Sinha submitted its report suggesting major changes in the coal block auction system.


  • The recommendation of Pratyush Sinha committee coincides with the opening up of the coal sector for commercial mining.

  • These recommendations rest on four tenets — ensuring transparency and fairness, equity, early development of coal blocks and simplicity of implementation.

  • Key recommendation:
    • Developing a Coal Index for determining the value of blocks. Currently, the valuation is on the basis of the notified price of Coal India Ltd.

    • Scrap the current practice of cancelling an auction if the number of bidders is less than three. Instead a single-bid should be accepted if biddings fail to find eligible bidders.

    • Only a default in achieving critical milestones should attract penalty against the earlier penalty for each default.

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