Sept. 16, 2018

Despite recent regulations issued by Union govt. for pet shops, survey of several animal and bird shops in Delhi revealed cramped living spaces, foul smells and even dead animals.


  • On September 6, the Union Ministry of Environment notified the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Pet Shop) Rules, 2018, which puts in place new directions to regulate pet shops to prevent abuse of animals.

  • In absence of specific rules in place, the pet shops across the country are currently being operated without any regulation. As a result, many of them grossly violate the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 by blatantly selling wild animals.

Salient Features:

  • No person can operate a pet shop or carry on with the business of trade in pet animals without a certificate of registration from the State Animal Welfare Board

  • The rules provide standards for accommodation, infrastructure, housing, general care, veterinary care and other operational requirements.

  • These include elimination of wire mesh for the floors of the enclosures, a health certificate from a veterinary practitioner for every animal on sale, and a written exercise plan for any pup over 16 weeks of age.

  • Besides registration under the rules, a separate application will have to be made for every pet shop or any premises being used for the pet trade. Such a certificate will be valid for a period of one year. It’ll be non-transferable, and subject to review.

  • Every pet shop owner will now have to maintain a record book with the particulars of breeders and suppliers of pet animals, trade transactions and their details.

  • Animals found to be ill-treated or sick will be confiscated and sent to a recognized animal welfare organization for treatment. The pet shop owner will be liable for any expenses incurred for the care and treatment of such animals.

Source : The Hindu