About Project Dolphin:
- It is to strengthen the marine ecology and overall health of the marine environment.
- This project includes strengthening patrolling and surveillance, improving habitat through the restoration of coastal ecosystems, removing ghost nets, and encouraging the involvement of locals with incentives.
- It will be implemented at a cost of 8.13 crore rupees during 2023-2024.
- Funding: While 60% of the amount will be given by the Union government, the State will bear the remaining cost.
- This will be helpful in improving the population of dolphin species and protecting their habitat, while at the same time improving the livelihood of the local communities.
- More than nine species of marine dolphins are found in the coastal waters of Tamil Nadu.
- The major habitats of the dolphins are found in the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve.
What is the Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitat Programme?
- It is an ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme that has been made operational by adding more components and activities to the erstwhile Centrally Sponsored Scheme - "Assistance for the Development of National Parks and Sanctuaries," during the 11th Plan Period.
- Components of the scheme
- Support to Protected Areas (National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Conservation Reserves, and Community Reserves)
- Protection of Wildlife Outside Protected Areas
- Recovery programmes for saving critically endangered species and habitats
Key facts Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve
- It is endowed with three distinct Coastal ecosystems, namely coral reefs, seagrass bed and mangroves.
- It is considered one of the world’s richest regions from a marine biodiversity perspective.
- It is the first Marine Biosphere Reserve in South and Southeast Asia.
- It has been recognized by the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme of UNESCO.
- It is also home to several globally important and highly threatened species like the Dugong, whale shark, sea horses, Balanoglossus, green sea turtle, Hawksbill turtle, dolphins, sacred chanks etc