Jan. 12, 2019

The upcoming PSLV-C44 mission will see a new variant of the PSLV in use, known as PSLV-DL.


  • This variant of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), tagged PSLV-DL, will be the first to sport two strap-on boosters for providing added thrust.

  • Also, the fourth and final stage of the PSLV — PS4 — will be kept ‘alive’ in space as a useful ‘orbital platform’. For this, it will be equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which are critical to keep the spent stage in orbit.
    • In a normal scenario, the initial stages of the rocket, once they detach, drop back into the sea. However, stage four, after releasing the payload, wanders around in space as junk.

    • But in the coming mission, the expendable fourth stage will be transformed into a makeshift satellite to reduce space debris. The spent stage will be automatically ‘recycled’ into a valuable platform for space-based experiments.