May 7, 2019

Purple frog could soon be designated as Kerala’s state amphibian – a title that researchers hope would go a long way in protecting it’s fragile habitat. A proposal for this has been floated by state’s leading Herpetologists.


  • Scientific Name: Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis. 

  • Common Name: It is also known as Purple Frog, Maveli frog or Pignose Frog. 

  • Family: The purple frog is a frog species belonging to the family Sooglossidae.

  • Features: 
    • Its body appears robust and bloated and is relatively rounded compared to other flattened frogs. Compared to other frogs, N. sahyadrensis has a small head and an unusual pointed snout. 

    • Adults are typically dark purplish-grey in color. 

    • It lives almost its entire life in underground tunnels, comes out to the surface for a single day in a year to breed. 

  • Distribution: Earlier thought to be restricted to the south of the Palghat Gap in the Western Ghats, the species is now known to be quite widely distributed in the Western Ghats. 

  • History: Herpetologists believe that the species should be rightly called a ‘living fossil’ as it’s evolutionary roots suggest it could have shared space with dinosaurs going back almost 70 million years ago. 

  • Conservation Status: It listed as endangered on the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).